

Title: “Landmine-Chan’s Desperate Dare: Masturbating for Cash”

Int. Low-lit Apartment – Night

The camera zooms in on a distraught Landmine-Chan, hair disheveled, eyes red and puffy from crying. She’s dressed in a loose tank top and Daisy Dukes, her ample cleavage and toned midriff on full display. Toys and trash litter the room, evidence of her recent hard-partying lifestyle.

Landmine-Chan: “You guys won’t believe it… While I was out getting wasted last night, I overspent my credit limit again. Now, I’m in deep shit with the bank, and unless I pay off my debts, they’ll garnish my meager waitress salary. Fuck my life!”

She throws her phone across the room in a fit of rage before noticing a card poking out from under a pile of empty cans. She picks it up, squinting to read the text.

Landmine-Chan: “What the hell? ‘Earn Cash Fast!’ I don’t fucking think so. models and wankers just want nudes…”

Suddenly, a lightbulb goes off above her head. She perks up and dresses in her best schoolgirl cosplay – pleated skirt hemmed scandalously short, white button-up tied under her heavy bust, knee-high socks, and unruly pigtails. Her little “uniform” barely contains her womanly curves.

Landmine-Chan: “Wait a minute… What if I’m not selling my body, but selling the experience?! The ‘splendid sensations’ as CL calls it. Yes, a live streamed handjob challenge could save my ass!”

She grabs her iPhone, sets it to record, and puts on a deviant smile. “Alright, sexy bastards, time to put your money where my pussy is!”

Landmine shows off her outfit, twisting and presenting her assets from all angles. Then, she spreads her legs and plays with her pussy, moaning theatrically. She reaches into her purse for a long, shiny dildo and begins to unzip her top. “Who wants to see my explosive D-cups and watch me deflower my virgin fuck hole? The donate button is at the top right to show your support! Only 1000 yen to vote on positions and speed!”

The seductive stream continues, with Landmine frolicking on her bed, fingering her juicy clit and prying open her pink flower, always keeping her audience engaged and begging for more.

Halfway through, a beep informs her of a large donation. “Oh my! Fox_27 has donated 10000 yen! Let’s see what his wish shall be. Maybe he wants to watch me tongue-fuck my tight asshole?! Or drain my full bladder on screen? Hmm, we’ll have to see~”

The video ends with Landmine soaked in sweat and fluids, deliriously happy with her successful operation. She makes a shocking final revelation, grinning evilly at the camera.

Landmine-Chan: “Thanks for the big bucks, guys! Oya, that reminds me… Why didn’t I do this sooner?! See you Sunday evening for more throbbing feedback! Retweet if you want Landmine-Chan to make your dick reach cloud nine someday!”

Category: Fingering
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