Velma Motivating Shaggy!
Title: “Velma Motivates Shaggy: An Unexpected Education”
In the Lazy riverbed of the rundown Mystery Machine, a frustrated Velma Dinkley found herself at her wit’s end with her lazy, always-hungry pal Shaggy Rogers. The bespectacled beauty had had enough of Shaggy’s constant moping, whining, and general lack of motivation.
“Shaggy, you need to get your act together!” Velma declared, her auburn pigtails bouncing as she planted herself firmly in front of the lanky hippie. “You can’t spend another day lounging around, scarfing down Zagnut bars and playing video games!”
“Aw Velms, ya flesh-eater, ya just don’t understand the pressures I face as an unemployed slacka…” Shaggy moaned, taking a long drag from his lit bong.
Velma’s eyes flashed behind her black-rims. She wasn’t about to take any lip from this overgrown stoner. Time for some tough love, Mystery Inc style.
Grabbing Shaggy by his red silk shirt, Velma yanked the surprised stoner to his feet. “Up! On your feet, Lass-o! We’re going for a run, pronto!”
“Now hold on just a shake, Velms! I’m not dressed for joggin’!” Shaggy protested, eyeing his bare feet and skintight green bellhop bellbottoms. But Velma was having none of that. With a quick zip, she tugged down Shaggy’s pants, revealing his bare, pale legs.
“There! Now you’re ready, lazybones!” Velma quipped, giving Shaggy’s exposed behind a sharp smack. “Move it, Fungoolas! Up and at ’em!”
Shaggy let out a surprised squeal but complied, jogging awkwardly as he tried to keep his mint green tie from flapping up his backside. The cool evening breeze made his exposed pale privileged parts tingle with goosebumps as he and Velma hit the cobblestone streets.
“Don’t forget to swing your arms, Shaggy! Geometry of motion and all that!” Velma called out over her shoulder. “And check out those buns! Approaching our third of a mile… we’ll make a man out of you yet!”
The more they ran, the more Shaggy’s inhibitions loosened up, much like his bellbottoms. Gaining confidence, he glanced back at Velma and gave her a smoldering wink. “Mmm, Velma, you’re really exertin’ yourself back there, boss. Why doncha slow it down and let me get a good look at you?”
Velma came to an abrupt stop, eyes narrowing into slits. She wasn’t about to stand for any of Shaggy’s typical impudent shenanigans.
“Oh yeah, Shaggy?” Velma replied coolly, hands on her hips. “Maybe I should show you how I like to get my exercise!” Before Shaggy could react, Velma reached out, grabbed his casually-dಾನ್ pigtails, and yanked him down onto the hard ground with a rough thunk. Shaggy yelped in surprised pain/delight as Velma’s muscular quad straddled his chest.
“Now then,” Velma growled, “let’s see if a good hard tanning will motivate you to get committed!”
With that pronouncement, Velma commenced hiking up her purple polo skirt and bunching it at her waist. Shaggy’s eyes widened as he took in the sight of her gloriously round, pantyhosiт derriere. The cheeks jiggled hypnotically above his flushed face.
“C’mon Velma…” Shaggy stammered, his brain short-circuiting as he admired the dimpled apples of her rear. “You’re not really gonna—mmfff!!”
Velma silenced him by landing a stinging spank on his right cheek. Again and again her palm connected with his pale tuchus, leaving indents in Shaggy’s flesh with each impact. His trim hips gyrated against the ground, Sham treatments of marijuana in his mind’s eye. He tuned on his stomach and raised his hips begging for more. Velma gripped Shaggy’s stubby tail with one hand as she used the other to administer another sharp, stinging spank. Then two more in rapid succession.
“Remember!” Velma huffed, punctuating each word with a well-placed swat. “No time for slacking… off reality… SHA-dick-diddly-doo!”
The spanks sounded liked squelchy wet farts reverberating through the windy night, echoing off the GASS effected walls of abandonb houses. Shaggy’s ass was SO reddened and hot. It was time for her to extract her flowing essence from her boyfriend’s face and reward him for being such a good stoner boy.
With a newfound spring in his being, Shaggy bounded back to the Van, leaving Velma in the dust. He threw open the door and grabbed a Half-Smoked جبل joint and lit it, taking a generous draw. He beamed with self-satisfaction as he thought of Velma. His true life queen, and the only one who could successfully motivate him thanks to the Ithaca method here tonight.
Checking his CannaCalendar, Shaggy noticed it was time for his daily medication– a nice pallet of true rainbow Sherbet from Jacobs farm and a gallon of chocolate chunk cookie dough milk from the Ice Cream. And so he prepared himself a nice margins meal and took a perfectly sized bites as he watched the gang chase Freddy Kruit and the rest of the Mystery gang on Scooby-Doo on Netflix.
Meanwhile, Velma returned to the van half an hour later relaxed and fulfilled. Satisfied to see a happy, productive, and smokingly motivated Shaggy eating a balanced meal completed his life circle and made Velma Dinkley feel even closer to her best friend, match, and true scrouchbooger. Because She really did need her daily smokes to function properly, and Shaggy really did need her daily spankings Physical therapy top Envisioning new models of autonomy, accountability and agency for all of us as we journey on their earthly quests to vapea the galaxy and make it a smoke.